The information used in was sourced from the Quarterly Market Reports done by TrilliumWest Real Estate Brokerage. For more information on KW Neighbourhoods visit the TW website and download the Full Q1 Report.

When you plan your move you first need to know the all of the pros and cons of Kitchener-Waterloo Neighbourhoods. However, once you factor in all of your personal lifestyle preferences the research gets difficult. That's why we've created this helpful guide to finding the right neighbourhood for you in the beautiful and prosperous city of Kitchener-Waterloo.

The guide includes a quick quiz to see how your lifestyle, preferences, and daily needs factor into your Kitchener-Waterloo Neighbourhood. To do this, we've included factors such as commute times, cost of living, cost of housing, public transportation, ammenities, and much more. That should to give you a clear picture of your ideal KW neighbourhood. 

There's even a helpful amenities map we've created to give you a less metaphorical picture of the city.

Whether you take our quiz to find your perfect KW neighbourhood or you read through our helpful insights, I'm sure you'll get one step closer to making your KW dreams a reality. Once you're finished give us a call or send us an email to ask us about anything you've read here today.

Transportation Pros and Cons of Kitchener-Waterloo Neighbourhoods 

To find your perfect KW neighbourhood start your search with transportation in mind. If you're planning on moving cities and haven't factored in commutes, transit accessibility, and walking distance to critical amenities then it's time to start over. This is in part because your ability to get around will impact the other factors in your decision to choose a neighbourhood.

Not only that but quality of life and happiness have been directly correlated with the time you spend in transit per day. To help minimize those risks we've broken down the 6 major regions in KW with their average walking score, transit score, and drive times to Toronto and Kitchener GO, two major commuter regions for Kitchener-Waterloo locals.

Downtown Kitchener Transportation

  • High Walking Score - 86
  • Highest Transit Score in KW - 67
  • Good commute times to Toronto (1h 26m), Closest to Kitchener GO (4m)

East Waterloo Transportation

  • The lowest walking score in KW - 41
  • The lowest transit score in KW - 40
  • Average commute to Toronto (1h 29m), Average commute to Kitchener GO (10m)

Kitchener East Transportation

  • Average walking score - 49
  • Average transit score - 42
  • Shortest average commute time to Toronto (1h 24m), Average commute time to Kitchener GO (10m)

Kitchener West Transportation

  • Low walking score - 43
  • Average transit score - 42
  • Average commute to Toronto (1h 28m), Longer commute time to Kitchener GO (14m)

Uptown Waterloo Transportation

  • Highest walking score in KW - 91
  • High transit score - 55
  • Average commute time to Toronto (1h 27m), Short commute time to Kitchener GO (7m)

West Waterloo Transportation

  • Low walking score - 42
  • Low transit score - 41
  • Longest commute time to Toronto in KW (1h 37m), Loingest commute time to Kitchener GO (16m)

House Pricing and Cost of Living Pros and Cons of Kitchener-Waterloo Neighbourhoods

Obviously, house prices and cost of living need to be considered near the top of the list. Each region has its pros and cons depending on the size and type of house you're looking for. This is due to an array of factors such as subregion diversity, supply and demand, gentrification, and much more. If you have questions about the pricing distribution in Kitchener-Waterloo feel free to give us a call.

Downtown Kitchener Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - Lowest in KW ($587,500)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Lowest in KW ($505,000)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Highest in KW ($680,000)
  • Condo Pricing - Second highest in KW ($380,000)
  • Cost of Living - 11% lower than Canadian Average

East Waterloo Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - Highest in KW ($763,933)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Average for KW ($512,586)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Average for KW ($510,606)
  • Condo Pricing - Average for KW ($357,376)
  • Cost of Living - 1% lower than Canadian Average

Kitchener East Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - Second Lowest in KW ($628,391)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Second Lowest in KW ($507,965)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Second Highest in KW ($511,767)
  • Condo Pricing- Lowest in KW ($321,438)
  • Cost of Living - 5% lower than Canadian Average

Kitchener West Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - High for KW ($739,986)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Second Highest in KW ($566,940)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Second Lowest in KW ($484,250)
  • Condo Pricing - Second Lowest in KW ($327,682)
  • Cost of Living - 1% lower than Canadian Average

Uptown Waterloo Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - Average for KW ($650,000)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Highest in KW ($642,500)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Lowest in KW ($425,000)
  • Condo Pricing - Highest in KW ($440,900)
  • Cost of Living - Equal to the Canadian Average

West Waterloo Costs

  • Detached Pricing Average - Second Highest in KW ($741,746)
  • Semi-Detached Pricing Average - Average for KW ($553,416)
  • Townhouse/Linked Pricing Average - Average KW ($500,354)
  • Condo Pricing - Average KW ($340,083)
  • Cost of Living - 1% lower than Canadian Average

Amenities Pros and Cons of Kitchener-Waterloo Neighbourhoods 

We mapped the most popular amenities in Kitchener-Waterloo and factored their locations into our quiz. This allows us to really narrow down which neighbourhood's pros and cons fit best with your day to day life. If you want to walk to the bank everyday, get to the golf course after work, the gym before work, and the ski hill on weekends I'm sure we can find something to make that easy on you.

Kitchener-Waterloo Amenities Map

Here are some of the amenities that may factor into your quiz results.


  • Banks
  • Medical Facilities
  • Pharmacies
  • Convenience Stores
  • Grocery Stores
  • Beer/Liquor

  • Coffee
  • Fast Food
  • Fine Dining
  • Family Eateries
  • Bars/Pubs

Fitness/Sports Centers

  • Gyms
  • Ski hills
  • Golf Clubs
  • Recreation Facilities for kids and adults
  • Hockey Arenas

Expert Insights

You can learn a lot about KW neighbourhoods online but nothing compares to real local knowledge. Luckily, the Oh Hi Guys realty team have been living and working in Kitchener for decades. This gives them the exclusive insight to not only find the perfect neighbourhood for you but pinpoint the perfect intersection, street, and home.

We invite you to take our quiz and then get in touch to go over your results. Learn more about the original Oh Hi guys themselves, Scott Robert and Shawn McPhail at their personal pages.

For more details and resources about KW neighbourhoods you can check out some of the resources created by our brokerage TrilliumWest.

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